5th of April – Vectorblade VIII – Beware I live!

After some pondering – I decided I just keep going and see where coding leads me.

Thanks for all suggestions and kind words!


Following optimizations have been done:

– halfed the animation size of (most) bonus

– rotation of enemies are now only 8 directions (instead of 16)

– optimized bank switching

– optimized game loop

– implemented horizontal mirroring of patterns

– reduced enemy “level” information

– reduced a couple of macro based “coding” to subroutines – which cost quite a few cycles

– and probably more stuff I can’t remember

To get a “feeling” of the size and stuff that is missing I copy/pasted from Release the title music and highscore table/ editing / saving.

I plan to implement an “own” Game Over and Highscore screen at one time – but for now its usable and hopefully uses about as many bytes as the things I plan to do.

I decided on a theme for the next levels – which will be more “robotic” – and the new “Big Bug” will look a bit “sinistarish” – “Beware they live!

I’ll probably reduce the vector count considerably from above image – but that was a first “start”.

Lets get a bit more into the game “mechanics”.


Enemies are defined with an EnemyDefinition.

struct EnemyDefinition 
 ds ANGLE8_TABLE,2          ; if zero -> BigBug 
 ds BUG_ENEMY_HP, 0 
 ds ENEMY_STRENGTH,1        ; HP
 ds ENEMY_BULLET_SPEED, 1   ; bug only (for now), lower nibble speed, uppernibble #xnnn, x= 1 can fire missiles
end struct

As of now two different enemies exist
a) “normal” enemies
b) Big bugs

Normal enemies
– enter the game in patterns
– behavior of pattern and intro can be modified with “ADDITIONAL_TYPE”
– normal behavior:

  • – intro via a pattern
    – after pattern a “delay” is done (enemy invisible)
    – enemy enters screen at a random position at the top of the screen
    – enemy goes to its waiting position

– waiting position:

  • – 20 different positions, where enemies wait and “wobble”
    – waiting positions can be defined per level (pointer to waiting position table)
    – from waiting positions attack patterns are randomly initiated
    (count of attack pattern using enemies at the same time can be set via level information)
    – enemies can shoot (count of maximum shots per level can be set per level)
    – probability of shooting (and of bonus drop) can be set per level

The normal behaviour of an enemie can be modified by “ADDITIONAL TYPE” definitions, as of now:

  • TYPE_NONE = 0
  • TYPE_DIRECT_WAIT = %00000001
    – does not enter a “delay”, will not be invisible, from last “intro pattern” position, the enemy moves to waiting position
  • TYPE_DONT_SHOOT = %00000010
    – this enemy can not shoot – never!
  • TYPE_DONT_ATTACK = %00000100
    – this enemy will not initiate an attack pattern
    (all three combined can be used to define “blockers”)
  • TYPE_DONT_WAIT = %00001000
    – this enemy behaves in a “normal” level like a “kamikaze” attacker
    (it does not enter a waiting position after intro pattern – it “vanishes” instead)
    this can be used to have larger intro waves – but still restrict the overall enemy count to 20 on screen!

Blocker example:

The above shown blockers “protect” the attacking enemies. Each blocker in the example has about 20 hitpoints.

Attack Pattern

Addition to attack patterns (more info on attack patterns: Vectorblade II) – attack pattern are really something one would nowadays call “scripted enemy behaviour”. Anyway attack sub-pattern definition can now also include “loops” – so the order of sub-patterns (in one attack pattern) is not necessarily linear anymore.

Thats all for today.


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8 thoughts on “5th of April – Vectorblade VIII – Beware I live!

  1. gauze

    what advantages are there to structs btw? just abstraction/organization? any speed or code size benefits?
    I was just looking at VRelease and I think you have a bunch of structs in objects.i that are never used (or I am more blind than I thought)

    1. Malban Post author

      Structs in ASM a basically a “clean” way to define constant offsets for indexed data.
      You can use them losely and “forget” them – they don’t take up any space unless you actually allocate them.

      For me it is much more easy to follow my code to read
      – ldd MONSTER_HP,x

      – do a ldd 2,x

      Also if I ever “change” the struct – the code is “updated” immediately and I don’t have to search and replace everything.
      By now I use structs as often as I can and I never really saw any disadvantage.

      You just have to look out not to define the same name twice (with different offsets).

      Also in case of Release (and Vectorblade) – you can use different struct definitions “easily” on the same memory locations.
      In case of Release all enemies are kept in an “Object” struct. But once I know what kind of enemy I am dealing with I use the specific enemy struct to address the object data.
      So the same memory location has different “meanings” in different enemy contexts.

      See also: Structure Gambling

      1. gauze

        ok I’ll look at it. I might reserve this knowledge for the future, as my current game isn’t so bad already. (although i had one idea to speed up some table look ups)

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