Vectrex Integrated Development Environment.
A nearly complete documentation can be found: vide documentation
(worth noting: there is also a FAQ section)
Also some “intro” videos on YouTube:
Vide – import your own sources
Vide – programming the Vectrex
Vide next step – possibly version 2.0
VTK did two videos regarding the Arkos Tracker and its usage with Vide:
Hi Chris
Sometimes when I start VIde 2.0, Tracki dissapears and is not listed in either the tools menu or Window Menu. The only solution I have found is to unzip the whole package file to another folder and run a fresh version.
Is there a config file I should be looking for to try and sort this?
Here’s a photo
Tracki is part of the “dissi” package. If you run a program – you always have a dissi window open. Might have to uniconify it.
The icon bar in dissi features all sorts of extra panels that you can use while debugging – tracki is one of them.
The icon that looks a litle bit like a “chart with a pencil” is the one that activates tracki.
See also documentation of dissi: Dissi-help
Thanks very much, sorted
I did the same thing, but I found it in dissi before too long.
The recent changes to the LaF have improved things a lot, now what we need are bigger icons and faster tooltips 🙂 Icons 4 or, better, 9 times bigger would be great!
Yeah, well – I am not one for drawing icons. The ones I use are free and 16×16 and actually realy nice at that.
There is no other version of these icons.
All I could do is “enlarge” them – but that would most probably look bad.
If you have a free icon set (that I like) lying around that is 32×32 or 48×48 – we can talk things over :-)…
I think we previously discussed, but worth mentioning here… If you’re using Windows 10 (maybe Win 8 also) with a high DPI monitor and are using display scaling of 125% or more (which I am), when you run VIDE (probably any Java app) then it doesn’t by default upscale the application, it stays 100%. If you fiddle around with the application compatibility settings (from Task Manager or, from memory, by pinning the app to the Task Bar, closing it down, right-click Properties, Compatibility) and changing the display scaling options, you can make it scale to 125% or more and, for me, that increases the size of everything in the app to something a bit more usable and thus fixes the small icon size.
Thanx for the Info!
I don’t know if there is something going on with my PC but it seems like I can’t interact with the editor text box in Vedi since I upgraded Vide to 2.1. I am able to click the Navigation links and move the cursor around with the arrow keys.
I was looking for a link to the previous Vide to try but did not see one. I overwrote 2.02 with this one. I’m on Windows 10 Home 64. Java is up to date.
I am very sorry to hear that. To the downloads I added a “Download history” – reachable via the menu.
Nonetheless I certainly am interested in fixing that “Bug”. Can you give me some more information?
Like is there any debug output? (either in the debug window or in the log file).
If not – can you increase the debug level and check again?
(Menu: System->Extra->Application Configuration)
Is the behaviour right from the start, or does it happen after some time?
Any clue would help finding the bug…
(As always I tested before uploading on Mac and Windows… but never is anything absolut certain…)
I’m not seeing this issue in 2.02.
The issue starts right away with any file open in Vedi. Codi seems to work fine.
When I click the mouse in the text box nothing happens. If I click a bookmark or a navigation link it will bring the text cursor into the text box which I can control with the keyboard. From that point on when I click the left mouse button, it will highlight text from the current text cursor location as if I’m holding shift while clicking. I’m never able to just place the text cursor with the mouse.
I did not see anything in the debug window or the log. I’ll keep trying different things on my end.
Did you overwrite the old 2.02 or did you extract to a complete new directory?
If so – does the bug occur if you try a “clean” 2.10?
I initially overwrote it. I extracted to a new directory after having that issue and it did not help.
Hm, I found a “version” where a similar bug happens as you describe.
I have to boot my Mac under Windows, there I have a old JDK 1.8 installed – editor not reacting. I will disable the new download, till I know what happens.
(I have to install a debug/NetBeans environment on windows… etc)
Thanks for the report and Tryouts.
May I ask again what Java version you use?
I just installed Netbeans – and the newest Java version (otherwise Netbeans would not run) – and now it works, perhaps it HAS something todo with the java version!
Untill further notice – I assume it is a Java version thing. I uploaded a new version 2.10 which tests the Java version and displays a message when it assumes an incorrect version.
Hope that is it – if not, please contact me again.
The latest version requires Java 10. Some methods I used were depricated – and the old Java 1.8 methods had trouble working with the new version – so I had the choice to
a) abandon Java 1.8
b) not support Java 10
I only could chose one evil…
That was it. I had 1.8. Installed JDK 11 and now it works. Thank you so much for your help. All of your hard work is appreciated.
I need to detect collision for a platformer when the character jumps on the platform. Is there a way to track the registers while running.
I do not understand your question.