Homebrew 2018


status: released
author: Vector Republic
year: 2018
type: game / 2 player “throwing”
download: no
source code: no
hardware release: yes
homepage: www.vectorrepublic.co.uk (try email inquiry)
Lorem ipsum….


status: released
author: Revival Studios
year: 2018
type: game / puzzle
download: no
source code: no
hardware release: yes
homepage: revival-studios.com
Lorem ipsum….


status: released
author: Luchs Soft
year: 2018
type: game / maze shooter
download: no
source code: no
hardware release: yes (limited, sold out)
homepage: luchs-soft.de (n/a)
Lorem ipsum….

Player 2

status: released
author: Jubbernaut
year: 2018
type: game / many 2 player games
download: no
source code: no
hardware release: yes
homepage: www.jubbernaut.com
Lorem ipsum….

Stramash Zone

status: released
author: Jim Watt
year: 2018
type: game / Battle Zone
download: no
source code: no
hardware release: yes (sold out)
homepage: www.clockworkrobot.com
Lorem ipsum….

Chimney Hunt

status: released
author: Jim Watt
year: 2018
type: game / tunnel shooter
download: binary ChimneyHunt.zip
source code: no
hardware release: no
homepage: www.clockworkrobot.com (blog entry Dec 2018)
Lorem ipsum….

Jingle Bell Hero

status: released
author: Binary Star
year: 2018
type: game / guitar hero
download: binary JingleBellHero_v101.BIN
source code: no
hardware release: no
homepage: jingle-bell-hero
Lorem ipsum….

University Pforzheim

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Peer Johannsen offers a course at the university of Pfortzheim called “Retro Programming – The Vectrex Project”. This course is part of lectures related to the subjects of:
– Advanced Hardware Oriented C and Assembly Language Programming
– Advanced Software Development Project Implementation

As seen on the pages below, each course results in several Vectrex game projects (game/instructions/overlays) . The results can be downloaded on the pages below.

http://eiti.fh-pforzheim.de/personen/johannsen/projektlabor/vectrex_2018/vectrex_gallery_2018.htm (German)