I have been in contact with Kristof and he reminded me of one fact which I did not mention clearly. The calibration he does using the ZeroRef can only compensate correctly ONE dimension of drift at one time. The drift…
6th of February 2018 – VPatrol ingenuity part III
If you played VPatrol – you know what that is. I personally think it represents a glider taken from a TV series called “Space: 1999” (German: “Mondbasis Alpha 1”). That glider is part of the calibration routine within VPatrol. You…
25th of January 2018 – VPatrol ingenuity part II
This is an image of the interior of my VPatrol card. Today I would like to concentrate on the upper left corner: That is the eEprom Kristof uses to store calibration information, high scores, acchievments and options. You might say…
25th of Janurary 2018 – VPatrol ingenuity part I
The last days (since I got it) I have been looking at VPatrol. I played it a lot – and also examined it a lot. Its a wonderful game – which really goes to the limit of what the vectrex…
15th of January -VPatrol
Thanks to Kristof’s extraordinary VPatrol – Vide is getting better and better. New eEprom emulation pending, have to read up on that one… Buy it – it’s worth every penny!