Optimizing is finished… with the exception of some odds and ends, that I did not explicitly mention. There is one last thing I want to share. The title screen! Following is the “original”: I converted that selfsame image using mighty…
Vectrex Aklabeth (6)
The dungeon – Monsters Let us first look at the monsters in the dungeon. Some of them have a huge vector count. The demon e.g. uses more than 90 vectors. I said before, that I use a special routine “draw_synced_list()”.…
Vectrex Aklabeth (5)
World changer Ok. We reduced the world map draw by 20000 cycles, sounds good – but we still must reduce it by another 35000 cycles. Such a thing cannot be done by doing little things – here we must change…
Vectrex Aklabeth (4)
A few words as an intro to my optimzations. As long as the game is running good and bug free, I do not really care much about how the source looks. I don’t care if it is half “C”, half…
Vectrex Aklabeth (3)
Dungeon (continued) Moving around a dungeon. This really irritated me at first and I thought the program had a bug. I double checked with Paul Robsons C version (running on my Mac). After each door (or secret door) I got…
Vectrex Aklabeth (2)
World map continued Extracting all “Map” symbols and putting valid Vectrex code around it – results in another very “easy” looking function:(the calculated scale is due to using a BLOWUP of 4 – and a slight adjustment 🙂 ) void…
Vectrex Aklabeth (1)
Over 4 years ago Pix started VecAkalabeth using the Vectrex32 BASIC cart. He finished the project and VecAkalabeth can be played… although the newest version was not made public yet – since the first versions of this will be part…