I am sad to inform you, that Vide does as of now not work as intended under MAC OS – Ventura. This is a combination of different facts that come together: a) with the latest OS Release, Mac OS forbidds…
9th of February 2023 Vide list of changes
There is not yet a new version of Vide available – but I slowly get confused myself by all things I changed in the last year. Sooo – least I forget, I’ll provide a list of changes here. There have…
17th of January 2023 – building games? (2)
Current todos I have two things on my plate at the moment regarding the “builder”.a) display everything fine on a Vectrexb) change the triggers/event things to: Display For the last blog entry about the builder I had not done anything…
13th of January 2023 – For Peer!
10th of January 2023 – building games?
You know – it is not like I don’t have any open projects… and I NEED to find something new… unfinshed tasks remain – like: But what am I doing… fiddling around with stuff nobody will ever use… and I…
2022 December 23rd – PrintStr (3) – DAC
We all know Professor Dr Peer Johannsen (see e.g. Vectrex Academy 2022) likes to experiment and go to the depth of things. During his recent adventures to get a Vectrex to run with an upgraded CPU (Vectrex using a 6309)…
14th of November 2022 – Majorly annoyed!
You remember the blog post: 16th of October 2022, Wobble, Jitter or Stable? I would dearly like to do a follow up and tell you that I found out this – or that. I can’t! I more than once stated,…
7th of November 2023 – Vector Kong
Tell me – how small is this world :-)? Nearly 4 years ago I wrote a blog entry about whether it would be possible to implement Donkey Kong on the Vectrex (Link: Donkey Kong – wait, no!). Later that blog…
16th of October 2022, Wobble, Jitter or Stable?
Wobble / Flicker on the Vectrex! Newest scientific experiements show: The Vectrex creators were no shielding experts! Actually that is no news, and everybody that listened to a Vectrex already knew that. THE BUZZ!… of the vectrex proved that already.The…
10th of October 2022
Above an image of probably the most ugly present (prize) I ever got. Once upon a time in a Vectrexschau (a twitch stream weekly about vectrex games) – we were asked to make a guess about the score Torben would…