7th of November 2023 – Vector Kong

Tell me – how small is this world :-)?

Nearly 4 years ago I wrote a blog entry about whether it would be possible to implement Donkey Kong on the Vectrex (Link: Donkey Kong – wait, no!).

Later that blog entry was read by Jon – who was inspired to program a MAME mod to display Donkey Kong with vectors (Link: http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php/topic,166416.msg1754356.html, Video: https://youtu.be/YSzAw3uv0Zs).

Which later I thought I might implement for the PiTrex – but since I paused the PiTrex – I actually never did… .

What I did – I told Thomas about it… and being the start of winter (yea, ok fall – anyway the start of the supposedly colder half of the year)… Thomas main programming period… Thomas actually converted Jon’s mod to be runable on the VecFever. Today I can show you a preview of that.

Obviously Thomas optimized the heck out of it – but still the average vector count exceeds 1000 vectors – which is to much to be handled in 50Hz by the good old Vectrex.


Regardless I love the game and the Vectrex version is very well playable – even if there are some slowdowns.

Congrats Thomas on another milestone in Vectrex display!

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15 thoughts on “7th of November 2023 – Vector Kong

    1. Malban Post author

      I don’t know what you mean by “lasers” – but yes it only runs on the VecFever as of now.

      And even there it does not YET, I showed a preview, Thomas did not as yet release a new VecFever firmware.

  1. Michal

    Wow, it looks amazing 😉 I wonder if its still possible to make it 50Hz. I need to be honest, I prefer more stable picture to play; its pretty close anyway.


    How come the vector count is so high? I mean I can see that with the ladders and “sprites” it can go to the hundreds but I can’t figure out how it goes up to four digits. Is it because the platform levels are drawn with many small vectors instead of fewer long ones?

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