I am pretty sure I overthink things and/or I am to stupid for this. I have abandoned the notion of a fixed scale. Having a fixed scale and having to double/tripple/quadrupel vectors or moves and discerning whether I can add…
8th of April: Infinity(2)
It is a good thing I did not fully think this through at the beginningā¦ otherwise I might not have started this “project”. It gets ever more complicated! –Current implementation of “Mode”.Still in CC (I don’t know why I am…
7th of April 2022 – a diversion to infinity!
Inspiration from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6B9tyUg3CEFrom Ludum Dare 48, on itch.io: https://keepee.itch.io/infinity-diveFrom the original idea: https://cutelifebot.github.io/sierpinski/ Originally posted to Vectrex Fans United in October 2021. I had this “idea” lying around for some timeā¦ and always thought it would be cool to do…
24th of March 2022 DoD(3) – second thoughts…
You know – usually I just start doing things… and than I continue, till finished or bored. I started DoD this way. By now I am actually quite aquainted with the source and I begin to understand them. The more…
22nd of March 2022 DoD(2)
I can’t concentrate well today – so I will call it quits “early”. Things done today: adopted code from “player.*” adopted code from “dod.*” adopted code from “dodgame.*” adopted partial code from “osLink.*” adopted partial code from “dungeon.*” I compiled…
21st of March 2022 DoD(1)
It has been a long time brewing… But I think I would now like to start trying to get Dungeons of Dagorath to the Vectrex.I contacted the original copyright holder (Douglas Morgan) and I got his ok. I tried to…
15th of March 2022 – Mystery continued!
(For the first part look at: 20th-of-february 2019) This time it is: “If you wait a little – you will be faster!”Actually it is exactly the same topic and the same phenomenon as described above, but this time viewed from…
25th February 2022 Telengard(8) beta!
First beta release – feedback welcome! Head over to github, to look (download) at the project – or just download the 64kB bin file. Github: https://github.com/malbanGit/Telengard On github you can also find a readme.txt – which explains a little more…
23th February 2022 Telengard(7) Resource limits
This game is getting bigger and bigger.I am nearly done – all features are in, most graphics and all gameplay. But no sounds yet. I am pretty close to 60kB rom. I didn’t do anything extraordinary or fancy (yet) –…
20th February 2022 Telengard(6) Display limits
This is the current display limit with Telengard – I am at 29356 cycles.I would have loved to do a fourth status line (as original) – but with all the possible rest that is going on.– light spell (questionmark in…