This is an image of the interior of my VPatrol card. Today I would like to concentrate on the upper left corner: That is the eEprom Kristof uses to store calibration information, high scores, acchievments and options. You might say…
I played some bigtime with VecFever – and juggled Karl Quappe code like there is no tomorrow. There is always so much more that one can do… Karl Quappe now “natively” supports the VecFever, which means mainly two things: it…
Malban – 27th of November 2016
Hi, I finally came around actually uploading V1.09 version of Vide. For “users” not much changed, some of the bugfixes and additions I mentioned in previous posts and there <might> be some other additions – check out the changelog: VideChangeLog.txt…
Malban – Vide diary – 7th of August 2016
Just another small update… I am happy to announce, that the “Microchip 11AA010” emulation seems to be working alright! I just played a game of VectorPilot, saved my highscore of whooping 15000 and loaded it again with my next instance:…
Malban – Vide diary – 28th of July 2016
Well, at the moment quite a bit is going on “underneath” – stuff that even less people will ever use than the whole Vide package :-)! I added much documentation in vide, e.g about supported “code generation”, which as of…