status: released
author: Der Luchs
year: 2014
download: used to be downloadable
source code: no
hardware release: only one
homepage: ?
Sternenkrieger ()
status: released
author: Der Luchs
year: 2014
type: shooter
download: used to be downloadable
source code: no
hardware release: only one
homepage: ?
info: Limited to 50 cards
Irrelevant ()
status: released
author: Der Luchs
year: 2014
type: game / shooter
download: no
source code: no
hardware release: yes
homepage: not available anymore (Shop)
info: Der Luchs 34 birthday card – limited to 34.
status: released
author: Der Luchs
year: 2014
download: no
source code: no
hardware release: only available on Madtronix multicard
homepage: ?
N.E.L.S. (LS0001)
status: released
author: Der Luchs
year: 2016
type: game / shooter
download: no
source code: no
hardware release: yes
homepage: not available anymore (Shop)
info: Also 2 runs with different boxes
Obsolete (LS0002)
status: released
author: Der Luchs
year: 2015
download: no
source code: no
hardware release: yes
homepage: not available anymore ()
info: Der Luchs 35 birthday card – limited to 35.
Brecher (LS0003)
status: released
author: Der Luchs
year: 2015/2016
type: game / shooter
download: no
source code: no
hardware release: yes
homepage: not available anymore (Shop)
info: There were two versions published, with different boxes
FLAK (LS0004)
status: released
author: Der Luchs
year: 2015/2016
type: game / shooter
download: no
source code: no
hardware release: yes
homepage: not available anymore (Shop)
info: There were two different packages versions available.
Eineiig (LS0005)
status: released
author: Der Luchs
year: 2016
download: no
source code: no
hardware release: yes
homepage: not available anymore ()
info: There was a limited and unlimited edition of Eineiig
Dead of Knight (LS0006)
status: released
author: Der Luchs
year: 2016
type: horror
download: no
source code: no
hardware release: yes
homepage: not available anymore (Shop)
info: Lorem Ipsum
status: released
author: Der Luchs
year: 2016
type: game / shooter
download: no
source code: no
hardware release: yes
homepage: not available anymore (Shop)
info: Limited to 36 copies.
Inkubationszeit (LS0008)
status: released
author: Der Luchs
year: 2016
type: game / shooter
download: no
source code: no
hardware release: yes
homepage: not available anymore (Shop)
info: Lorem Ipsum
status: released
author: Der Luchs
year: 2016
type: clean up
download: no
source code: no
hardware release: yes
homepage: not available anymore (Shop)
info: Lorem Ipsum
Mitnal (LS0010)
status: released
author: Der Luchs
year: 2017
type: Trading (Elite)
download: no
source code: no
hardware release: yes
homepage: not available anymore (Shop)
info: Lorem Ipsum
Menschenjagd (LS0011)
status: released
author: Der Luchs
year: 2017
type: labyrinth / shooter
download: no
source code: no
hardware release: yes
homepage: not available anymore (Shop)
info: Lorem Ipsum