Homebrew 2020


status: released
author: Alexander von Knorring (Phoboz)
year: 2020
type: game / arcade (Joust)
download: no
source code: no
hardware release: yes
homepage: http://tjocktv.se/product/knightex/
Lorem ipsum….

Dark Tower

status: re / released
author: John Hall Binarystar
year: 2020
type: Adventure
download: no
source code: no
hardware release: yes
homepage: http://www.vectrexmulti.com/
Lorem ipsum….


status: released
author: Malban
year: 2020
type: Bottom up Shooter
download: yes
source code: yes
hardware release: yes
homepage: vide.malban.de
Lorem ipsum….

Raid over Vectrexia

status: released
author: John Reder
year: 2020
type: Bungling Bay clone
download: yes
source code: no
hardware release: yes http://www.gooddealgames.com/inventory/Vectrex.html
homepage: http://tacticalneuronics.com/content/RaidOverVectrexia.asp
Lorem ipsum….

Handy Pick Hank

status: re / released
author: John Reder
year: 2020
type: Pick Axe Pete clone
download: yes
source code: no
hardware release: yes http://www.gooddealgames.com/inventory/Vectrex.html
homepage: http://tacticalneuronics.com/content/HandyPickHank.asp
Lorem ipsum….

Space Force!

status: re / released
author: John Reder
year: 2020
type: Fight aliens
download: yes
source code: no
hardware release: no
homepage: http://tacticalneuronics.com/content/SpaceForce.asp
Lorem ipsum….

Vectrex UFO!

status: re / released
author: John Reder
year: 2020
type: Fight aliens
download: yes
source code: no
hardware release: yes: http://www.gooddealgames.com/inventory/Vectrex.html
homepage: http://tacticalneuronics.com/content/VectrexUFO.asp
Lorem ipsum….


status: released v0.9
author: Richard Garriot / Paul Robson / Malban
year: 2020
type: Ultima 0
download: yes
source code: yes
hardware release: yes
homepage: vide.malban.de
Lorem ipsum….

Diverse little “C/BASIC” programs!

status: released v0.9
author: Ralf Kornmann
year: 2020
type: Programming exercises
download: yes
source code: no
hardware release: no
homepage: https://www.facebook.com/groups/104852679725118/#=
Peg Solitair, Ventilator, The Dice, 23 Matches, Acey Ducey, Awari, Bangels, Tower

Oregon Trail

status: released
author: Ralf Kornmann
year: 2020
type: Oregon Trail clone
download: yes
source code: no
hardware release: no
homepage: https://www.facebook.com/groups/104852679725118/#=
lorem Ipsum

Diverse little “C” programs!

status: released
author: Graham Toal
year: 2020
type: Programming exercises
download: yes
source code: yes
hardware release: no
homepage: https://www.facebook.com/groups/104852679725118/#= + http://gtoal.com/vectrex
Stevedore/Microban, Unblockme, Wangle

Snowball Fight

status: released
author: Chris Parsons
year: 2020
type: game
download: yes
source code: no
hardware release: no
homepage: https://www.facebook.com/groups/104852679725118/#=
lorem Ipsum

Zantis 2

status: released
author: Fury!
year: 2020
type: Shooter
download: yes
source code: no
hardware release: yes
homepage: http://www.furyunlimited.com/_sgg/m1m2_1.htm
lorem Ipsum

Vectrex TRON32

status: released
author: Jaymz Julian
year: 2020
type: TRON
download: yes
source code: yes
hardware release: no
homepage: https://github.com/jaymzjulian/vltron + http://forums.vectrex32.com/index.php/topic,134.0.html
Vectrex32 BASIC game

Star Trex

status: released
author: Andrew Nixon
year: 2020
type: Arcade Star Trek clone
download: yes
source code: yes
hardware release: no
homepage: http://forums.vectrex32.com/index.php/topic,134.0.html
Vectrex32 BASIC game


status: released
author: Phoboz
year: 2020
type: another take on Minestorm
download: yes
source code: https://github.com/phoboz/minex
hardware release: yes
homepage: tjocktv.se
lorem ipsum

USA Zombie Apocalypse

status: released
author: AR Vectrex
year: 2020
type: reaction/shooter
download: no
source code: no
hardware release: yes
homepage: http://www.ar-vectrex.com/
lorem ipsum


status: released
author: Peer Johannsen
year: 2020
type: mind twister
download: yes
source code: no
hardware release: yes, available at: https://www.packratvg.com/vrotor.html
homepage: /johannsen/vectrex_lab/projects/rotor/rotor.htm

lorem ipsum

Turkey Pop

status: released
author: Brett Walach
year: 2020
type: Two player seed picking
download: yes (turkeypopv09.zip)
source code: no
hardware release: no
homepage: https://playvectrex.com/games/
Lorem ipsum….

University Pforzheim

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Peer Johannsen offers a course at the university of Pfortzheim called “Retro Programming – Vectrex Academy”. This course is part of lectures related to the subjects of:
– Advanced Hardware Oriented C and Assembly Language Programming
– Advanced Software Development Project Implementation

As seen on the pages below, each course results in several Vectrex game projects (game/instructions/overlays) . The results can be downloaded on the pages below.
