We all know Professor Dr Peer Johannsen (see e.g. Vectrex Academy 2022) likes to experiment and go to the depth of things. During his recent adventures to get a Vectrex to run with an upgraded CPU (Vectrex using a 6309)…
14th of November 2022 – Majorly annoyed!
You remember the blog post: 16th of October 2022, Wobble, Jitter or Stable? I would dearly like to do a follow up and tell you that I found out this – or that. I can’t! I more than once stated,…
16th of October 2022, Wobble, Jitter or Stable?
Wobble / Flicker on the Vectrex! Newest scientific experiements show: The Vectrex creators were no shielding experts! Actually that is no news, and everybody that listened to a Vectrex already knew that. THE BUZZ!… of the vectrex proved that already.The…
20th of February – something always comes up…
Again – I did pause on VB. I was – again – a bit sickly AND had a short holiday trip.Now after the trip some Vectrex things have come up, which I probably will do in advance befor doing further…
30th of January – Vectrex variances
You know – sometimes I wish Vectrex was a more “modern” machine. Modern in the sense of “every Vectrex behaves the same”. I recently rediscovered, that not all Vectrex are equal – some are more equal, and some are even…
31st of August – Vectorblade status report
Just a short update. Vectorblade is still alive and kicking. I have created all 100 levels I wanted. These must still be fine tuned, but it is a huge step for me, because level editing was really repetetive and thus…
11th of July, Hardware…
Vectorblade. Is driving me still nuts. I more or less decided to do the “bosses” next. Last time I showed you parts of the new insect boss. Meanwhile I have progressed to the next boss – the Sinistar themed levels…