Let me point out “new” Vectrex emulators.
a) Vectrexy – Antonio Maiorano
Not SOOO new – but still being worked on – and working great. More below.
b) Vectrex online – Ralf Kornmann
An emulator concentrating on producing “live like” output. But also provides very good emulation.
Source code is not available and it only runs under windows. More information on Facebook in “Vectrex Fans Unite”.
Beta 2.6 versions of the emulator is available for download on Google Drive.
c) Vectrex – DrSnuggles / raz0red
Online Vectrex emulator – a new version (mainly updated the user interface) of the “old” jsvecx.
It can be invoked at: https://drsnuggles.github.io/jsvecx/
Source in github at: https://github.com/DrSnuggles/jsvecx/tree/dev
Antonio Maiorano – after an “online hiatus” of a few months now continues his live-development streams developing Vectrexy.
During his online absence he started thinking about doing a Vectrex program himself (not “only” an emulator). But since his favourite programming language is C++ (and not 6809 assembler) – the first step in doing so was to enable c++ programming of the Vectrex.
He took the “old” Vectrex tutorial of Joakim Larsson (VectrexTutorial), where first steps to c++ were implemented, took some pointers from Peer, enhanced it with own code – shook it a few times… and build a docker version of a c++ build environment for Vectrex.
As a proof of concept he wrote a “mini” Vectrex program (Pong – what else 🙂 ): vectrex-pong
His doings are a bit documented during the start of his new videos:
You tube… “starting” at about 7-8 minutes … youtube.
I deem Antonio is more a “tools” guy :-). Since after the C++ option worked fine – his next move was not to program a vectrex game. Right now he is implementing the DAP (Debug Adapter Protocol) into Vectrexy – to be able to debug c++ programs using the included stabs data format which can be provided by gcc.
Thx guys for keeping the Vectrex alive!
Hey Malban, thanks for the write-up! I am indeed more of a “tools” guy, but I am hoping to eventually write my own game for the Vectrex using my own tools – as you do 🙂