For some reason or another I needed a change.
The last 3 days I didn’t do anything C related – but something that can easily be recognized :-).
I set down and configured my own new LAF – and the few things that were missing here and there – I added. Above you can see a “desktop” running the new LAF.
I might still find some things here and there – but overall – it is done!
A few more images…
Vecci running in base14 version (above is 12 – this is the base size of the font I use).
And a Vedi running in base 16:
Further more I updated the config save routines – so that I probably do not have to do the same configs over and over again.
And – I added (something I wanted to do for quite some time) – first steps for command line options.
I also – while doing the screenshots discovered two recently introduced bugs – will hunt them down tomorrow…