Today for the first time in a month I did some “Vectrex”. I had a nice holiday, nice XMas and a not so nice little illness.
But today – I fired up a Vectrex again! First I did a tiny little update on Vectorblade – or better the intended MH part of that. To the engine I added an animated tile and also enabled the engine to handle tiles that are collectable:

(looks better on a real Vectrex)
But still am kind of Vectorblade lazy at the moment.
For some time I wanted “just for show” try how fast can we get – and still be “sensible”:

Downloadable (source/bin): (19kB)
The “special” about that – it runs in 100Hz. Yep 100! The game refreshes in under 15000 cycles, and the WaitRecal takes that into account. The usual vectrex noise – is pitched quite a bit higher, and the image is PRETTY solid.
… and the game is “twice” as fast as it normally would be :-).
(Button 1 – acceleration, Button 2 breaks, joystick – left right)
I was only trying out the 100Mhz stuff and wanted some demo – so this thing grew in about 4 hours. Do not expect a full game – but you are welcome to enhance – the tiny source comes with it!
Appart from that I was only Vectrex passiv. Following “passiv” things happened to me:

And no – I most certainly do not collect Vectrex stuff anymore!
Seasons greetings!
nice work chief 🙂 is that the blue and smoke overlays from darryl you got? how are you finding those? a few people found that theirs were slightly too short in length to fit securely into place
Yes, and – everything is just fine :-).
Thanks for Night Driver. Loved playing it back in the day.