Downloadable Vectorblade versions

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    I tested just now again with these three:

    (at least level 50 with each)



    @Jerome, try this one:

    VecFever version:
    Vectorblade_B57.V4E – 27th June 2020

    I changed at some point 2 timing parameters (I rediscovered).

    This one takes back ONE of those parametersย  perhaps that helps – perhaps not (I don’t see a reason why it should hang after 60 levels of play!!!).

    The other timing also changed updated with following binary

    VecFever version:
    Vectorblade_B57_2.V4E – 27th June 2020

    Still I would wonder if any of that “helps” – but IF at all, I would much prefer above version one to work!


    Jerome Vince

    @ Chris: I tried the 2 versions, B57 and B57-2. My first conclusion is still fragile, but there is a true difference with the B56. Whatever the version: the problem disappeared! ๐Ÿ˜‰ The new timing paramaters are better for my VecVox.

    I played (only) a little more than 200 levels and I have to play more to consolidate my conclusion.

    I just hope that this better result for me is not worst with another VecVox.

    Just a very little point: the voices (especially when the action is at its max level) can be a little more muffled or suppressed If we compare them with the B40. But it can be subjective a little.

    I think we are on the good way!


    Do both versions work equally “well”?

    Or do you notice any difference?

    Jerome Vince

    If a difference exists between the 2 versions: it is tiny. I would say that the B57 is a little bit better than the B57-2.



    I don’t really think I “understand”.

    It is “fragile” – but the “problem disappeared”

    – What do you mean by “still fragile” – is the Atari Vox still “resetting”?
    – If not, how do you determine, that version 1 is “slightly better” than version 2?

    “muffled” –
    There is no volume setting with vecvox “software” – if you want it to be softer, you have to regulate whatever amplifier you have connected.

    Thx for testing – and answering all my questions.




    Jerome Vince

    @Chris: i said that my conclusion was “fragile” because i did not test the VecVox a very very long time. I am confident but i need to play a little more to be sure that the VecVox NEVER stops to work in a game ( i think I still have the “rare” and terrible bug in mind !)

    Playing Vectorblade (B57 or B57-2 ) using my headphone i noted this: rarely, when there are lot of successive voices their sound level seems to be lower (for a very short time).

    Sometimes the voices seem to be “cut” or “distorted”: especially when you finish a level collecting a lot of bonuses (with associated voices), and when the next level is announced immediately after.

    IMO this last point seems to be a little more pronouced playing the B57 (v1 or v2) / B40 (better: voices more dissociated / intelligible).

    The difference between the B57 and B57 -2 is really small. I would say a little better for the B57. But it can be subjective.

    But we have to keep in mind than the voices are very good globally. They bring a nice retro arcade atmosphere to Vectorblade! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป



    Hi guys.

    I am again at the baltic sea (renovating the house) and can’t program anything. That doesn’t stop me from thinking though.

    I want to finish – yes FINISH Vectorblade “soon”. It has already been a long time coming – and usually I pride myself in doing things fast.

    Following is a list of things I have still on my list of todos:

    – on death “sprawl” some bonuses*
    – candle STAYS**
    – additionally some better sort of explosion of the last fighter (like anim shown)
    – intro text for each level (like the original Warblade)
    – normal: intro attack – to remove
    – some sort of sound within diamond storm and super diamond
    – beta testers get a special section in the scroll text – an extra “scene” not “neccessary”
    – upon death a display of number of lives left

    – new achievement: “enter shop after boss fight”, still to be determined what causes it
    – achievement: %10, %20, %30 percent reduced item cost in shop (additional or perhaps instead of the money?)


    * the plan is to check which “bonus” items will be lost when death occurs.
    The appropriate bonuses (if they exist) will be be “exploded” onto the screen. The “new” ship can catch those bonuses to
    “upgrade” again. BUT the bonuses will be “far apart” so the player has to decide which bonus is the most dear to him…

    ** I know you don’t like the candle in the VB – context.
    But I like it :-). And I actually discovered two other people who also like it (even within Vectorblade). So I am not “alone”
    anymore. For that reason – the candle stays! (but plan is – to still do a better “game over” explosion – so perhaps the best of
    both worlds wins)


    If these are implemented and no known bugs exist – I would like to call it quits.

    Have you guys anything you think is neccessary left, things I might have forgotton? This might be the last time to speak up.

    Otherwise, once I find the time, I will implement the above….

    … and build a “Release candidate” which must be tested (and probably bugfxed several times).

    And than only “manual” work will be left (packaging…).





    Jerome Vince

    Just a last suggestion for me: what do you think about a special reward when you finish 3 times the Minestorm level with the max speed in the same game? ; we could imagine 3 extra bombs ย  (with a little counter if technically possible). usable against the ennemies in any circumstances, and especially when all seems lost ( allowing to reach a next level -easier sometimes-, or the shop…)


    Vectorblade_B58.bin – 7th July 2020

    and VecFever version:
    Vectorblade_B58.V4E – 7th July 2020

    Yesterday and today I took a little time and did program on Vectorblade. First time in nearly a month.

    I am getting tired – and I think I will call it a day soon – very soon.
    I know not everyone is at ease with the current version, espcially the game over sequence – or perhaps some additional “achievements”.

    But frankly – after more than three years of development, I am ready to be over and done with it.
    For the last two features I used quite a lot of the memory that I still had (text and music) – so overall, I do not have much memory left.
    Although I at some time thought to include an additional game over explosion (like shown some posts above) – right now (without going into a reclusion and do some serious memory optimization) I don’t have the memory for it – since I did the showcase with a special (new) partical system – and I don’t have the space for it now.

    I also thought about (and actually halfway implemented it), to reuse the StarWars scroll text (shown in some blog), to do special beta tester greetings (with the star wars theme playing in the background).
    But I gathered there was not too much interest in that… so I dropped that as well.


    The above version is more or less the release candidate. I still have to get my special vectrex back from Thomas, so I can do some more testing on my own. But if you have time, and are willing – you might test this version.

    I haven’t kept track of all changes – but here a list of things I remember:
    – added bonus drop “autofire” (this was necessary for “hardcore” modus, otherwise you would not have been able to
    use the laser as intended)
    – changed VecVox “back” to use more cycles (version one)
    – on death, the player drops up to 5 bonus items, he will lose upon death
    (but you are not able to grab them all, so CHOSE!) *evilLaughter*
    – aliens do not “intro attack” on normal difficulty (they start with hard)
    – each level has an “intro” text, sometimes its a “title”, sometimes a warning of what lies ahead,
    but sometimes also some witty remark to other games/movies/books ๐Ÿ™‚
    – minestorm in hardcore does not reward money
    – the “huge diamond” bonus is accompanied by a little “silly” tune

    I especially like the intro text – I think it adds a nice “playful” ring to the game (also Warblade had level titles ๐Ÿ™‚ ).

    You may still voice your opinion about what you think is missing or what might need changing.
    But my inclination to listen… wavers… You must be really convincing!

    Bugs that are found, will of course be corrected – when and if I can find them.



    Jerome Vince

    Hi Chris!

    Great RC Version!!

    Just a little point: The new “Autofire” Bonus does not appear in the intro.


    Yeah, I know.

    It won’t though… there are a couple of bonus items which don’t appear there, so it is in good company.

    Also beta 58 on a flash card will crash upon saving a game. (already fixed though)


    awesome, cant wait to try this latest versionย  ๐Ÿ™‚



    since at some point I would like to actually SELL 100 hundred Vectorblade cards – after all, I went to the trouble of getting all materials – I wondered how I actually should do the sale.

    It seems the demand will probably be higher than the 100 I plan to make.

    I am not wavering – I will not make more, getting the stuff together for 100 was nerve wrecking enough (and expensive) and there also is that thing, that I have to solder all cards. So 100 it is.

    But I also want everyone to have a “fair chance” to get one.

    Right now I am thinking about the following:

    – I sell in two batches, each batch consisting of 50 cards
    – each batch will be sold on a different day
    – everyone can only get one card
    – I announce the time for the order opening slot “in advance”
    – the first fifty people in each slot – get their cards


    Than there also is:
    How should I handle the sale?

    Should I just let them email me, and date/time sorted the first fifty win?
    I would get back to those potential winners and do a paypal invoice? And the ones not paying in 10 days lose their slot?

    I have never done such a SALE before, any pointers or thoughts?




    Hi again!

    I have never done such a SALE before, any pointers or thoughts?

    Neither have I. Nor do I have any good suggestion at hand. My pessimistic guess is that no matter which way you will do it, there will be some people who will complain and who will cry unfair.

    Should I just let them email me, and date/time sorted the first fifty win?

    You would have to define some UTC point of time as start of sales. Which means that it will be in the middle of the night for some people around the world, and noon for others, giving certain global regions an advantage. Then there can be mail server delays. Though probably tiny, those will have an effect on the time point of arrival at your mailbox and thus on the order of incoming mails. Also, emails sent from the same provider which hosts your account should reach you “faster” than emails sent from outside domains due to technical reasons.

    The whole process is a bit of a lottery.

    I do think very highly of the Vectrex community, so it is unlikely that someone would do such a thing, but it is not that difficult to prepare a script that will just run automatically on a laptop and start exactly at UTC start-of-sales (or a fraction earlier) and then send some 50 emails within a few milliseconds to your account, significantly increasing the chances of being among the “first” incoming emails. And “Hey, I have no idea why you got that many emails from me, I just pressed send once” ๐Ÿ˜‰

    A true lottery could be a fun thing. Set a window of time (an hour or so) for registering by email (complete name and address). Then print all names on paper slips and put them inside a hat and let your nephew draw the “winners” in a live stream event. Helmut did something similar at the last Vector War, and that was fun.

    Vectorblade_B58.bin โ€“ 7th July 2020

    Thanks a lot! I will definitely play and test. Sorry that in the past I could not play nearly as much as the others did. You should probably remove me from the “beta testers” section and rather add a “weird and unlikely theories providers” section, or an “innocent-stack accusers” section…


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