Helmut's testing notes / findings / suggestions etc

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  • #5224

    Below are some suggestions. These are just some minor suggestions. Beta 56 of Vectorblade is very cool and shiny – no need at all to consider these suggestions.

    Boss announcements: Intensity
    The images announcing the bosses are really good. Currently, the player’s ship and the boss differ very little in intensity.
    Suggestion: Use lower intensity for the bosses. This might increase the depth of the image.

    Boss anncouncements: Some stars?
    Currently, the images announcing the bosses look a bit clean.
    Suggestion: Some stars might be introduced.

    “EXTRA”: Remove letters
    Currently, you collect the EXTRA letters. Collecting a specific letter for a second time has no effect.
    Suggestion: Picking up a letter for a second time might remove it from the EXTRA collection.
    Please note that I’m not sure whether this would be an improvement to the game or not. This will make collecting letters more difficult. And it might be enerving to loose letters over and over, again. But this might be an extra challenge which requires even more attention on the player side. Perhaps something for the higher difficulty levels?


    *bump* (I know that a RC is available but perhaps…)


    Just played v58. Looks really nice and shiny. Thank you very much, Chris, for your mentioning other testers and me in the Special thanks / testing section!

    Some minor issues that I experienced on a non-buzz Vectrex console:

    Intro: Scrolling text with small dot
    In the intro with the scrolling text, there is a small dot on the left side of the “screen” that goes up and down. Looks like a small bug.

    Minestorm: No merchant
    Title of level 5 is “Merchant follows”. I played level 5 and caught a minestorm bonus. After the minestorm, there was no merchant. (Not sure whether this is a bug or a feature.)

    Game over screen: Vertical alignment of numbers

    In the game over screen, the vertical alignment of the number doesn’t look right to me. E.g. “Rank Multiplier: x 3” the 3 is a bit too much at the top. Perhaps it’s just the font that is used and thus normal.

    Merchant/Shop: Intensity
    Intensity is the color of the Vectrex. Currently, within the shop it seems that intensity isn’t used at all.
    Suggestion: Use varying itensity (e.g. selected item, merchant, …).


    Some more minor issue in v58:

    No full intro after calibration
    Currently, when starting Vectorblade for the very first time, the calibration is shown. After calibration, there is no Vectorblade intro (Vectorblade logo with spaceship).
    Suggestion: Display Vector blade intro (Vectorblade logo with spaceship) after very first calibration.

    Scroll text: Spacing
    Currently, the spacing of the scroll text is a bit inconsistent. In most cases, there is a title (e.g. GREETINGS TO), then an empty line followed by the names. After “SPECIAL THANKS..” there are two empty lines.
    Suggestion: One empty line after “SPECIAL THANKS..”

    Scroll text: LESS BULLET
    In the menu screen, all the bonus and malus are described. Currently, it says “LESS BULLET”. I wonder whether this is correct English.
    Suggestion: Change “LESS BULLET” to “LESS BULLETS”.


    Please note that this is not my personal thread. Anyone may post and reply here. 😉


    Some minor issues in RC5:

    No full intro after calibration
    Problem persists: There is no full intro after the very first calibration.

    Statistic screen: Order S-B-R
    Currently, in the statistic screen, speed, rate, bullets is displayed. The order of these three values is different to the order in the shop, which is S-B-R.
    Suggestion: Use same order for SBR entries in both statistic screen and shop, i.e. S-B-R.

    Statistic screen: Order Cash > Lifes
    Currently, in the statistic screen, cash is listed before lifes
    Suggestion: Life is more important than cash. Therefore I’d suggest to list “lifes” before “cash”.

    Statistic screen: More lines per page
    Currently, only four lines are displayed in the statistic screens per page. “Shots fired” and “Enemies shot” are split into two pages. The same applies for S-B-R which are also split into two pages.
    Suggestion: To me it looks as if there is space for displaying five (or even more lines) per screen. When using five lines per screen, more related entries would be one one page.

    Level title: Display duration
    Currently, the level title appears only for a very short time.
    Suggestion: Display the level title a little bit longer so that the user has the chance to read the level title before fighting on.

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