What you see above is a preliminary editor/uploader for Vec32.
In the upmost section you must enter the serial port and the “mount position” of the USB device
(the editor will remember once entered), after doing that, press “connect” – if everything is alright a green “connected” will appear.
The tree shows the actual filesystem of the device, clicking on a file opens it in the editor. Some BASIC syntax highlighting was flexed together in a couple of minutes. Pressing the “play” button saves the currently edited file to the drive and performs:
- LOAD “currentFile“
It works great, tested under Mac, Windows and Linux (altough under linux you have to “chmod 666” (don’t forget the “sudo” in front 🙂 ) the corresponding tty device, otherwise the connection will not be establised).
In the “Terminal” in the lower section all responses from the device are output, but you can also use it as a “normal” terminal and enter your commands to the device.
This is so awesome, I’m speechless! Please keep me up-to-date on this. Let me know if you’d like me to announce it on Vectrex32.com.
– Bob
Its not available to the “users” yet.
It IS quite usable, but I don’t like the terminal solution yet very much, the jEditorPane is exactly that (a pain in the a…) – but I am a bit at a loss how to change it.
You can double click on error messages and the editor “hops” to the corresponding line number.
I guess I will fiddle with it the next days and at the end of week I might “release” it. I will add a little user export (also to show of the export features of vecci 🙂 ) for vectorlists, so they can be used with Vectrex32.
Wonderful work!!